Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bondage & Beyond

Illustration by Veena Basavarajaiah

Bondage & Beyond
by Veena Basavarajaiah 

What does the body mean to a dancer? What is movement to her beyond technique and training?
When form/grammar becomes synonymous with the identity does the body  become a mere instrument at our disposal that is subjected to methodologies and experimentation. Is it just a  phenomenon that is designed to recreate actions encoded through evolution? With tools of body mechanics the body has been disintegrated , dissected  constructed, deconstructed, isolated, fragmented and reassembled through ages almost giving it a state of automation to understand it better.

With her current work Veena Basavarajaiah treats her body as a bondage in itself and also her only tool to transcend beyond it. She plays with the idea of treating her body as a mere puppet subjecting herself to multiple factors to explore a contemporary body that is a result of all her body experiences and discover a body that exists beyond form , technique and physicality. An identity without a body, an 'I' without a form. 
A series of illustrations that translate her journey into images will be part of the exhibition. 

Bondage & Beyond is inspired by France based visual artist Nicole Dufour who has worked with the concept of identities seamlessly woven with bodies in space and time. The performance is the showcase of a solo that is currently a work in progress designed to develop into a full length solo.

Live music- Akhshay Gandhi
Performance & Illustrations by Veena Basavarajaiah

Venue- Shanthi Road Gallery, Shanthi road, Bangalore
Date- 8th May, 2011
Exhibition - 11am onwards
Short performance- Work in progress- 7- 30 pm.
Contact - Veena Basavarajaiah ( 08050821839 )

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